Monday, 24 May 2010

Thursday, 1 April 2010

History of British Indie Music

British Indie music had streamlined from independent record labels. Before, many indie artists relied on touring, word of mouth and lately the Internet to get popularity. A recent example would be the Artic Monkeys who rose to popularity by posting their music on the Internet. My music artist on my magazine does just this because the magazine has given her popularity and a reputation by distributing her to a niche audience.

The lifestyle, ideas and image that many indie bands follow are from some of the first indie bands that came into the mainstream industry and signed on a major record label. The Smiths are an example of this as they wore just jeans and plain shirts to reflect the "back to basics" style of music. This is popular with many indie artists today and i tried to reflect this with my own music artist in my music magazine.

In my product, my artist was made to wear plain and simple clothes to achieve the indie look that would appeal to the demography of anti - authority rebels and joiners. I also added other images of artists in the magazine to really emphasis continuously the image being used.

KERRANG Double page spread

This is the double page spread for KERRANG music magazine featuring an interview with a popular artist. The first thing i notice is the continuous use of the colour black for the background and primary image. This connotation suggests the artist is rebellious and angry.

Also, there is a quote from the body of the text which is "Fuck anyone that gets in our way". This will target their demography of anti - authority rebels because this is the type of lifestyle they follow.

The images on the page are very unkept and express the artists care free lifestyle. The primary image on the left side shows the artist driving in a car. However, their car is very unkept and messy and one of the members doesn't have a seatbelt on. This just shows that this is their way of expressing themselves and the lifestyle that they follow.

The font style is elegant at times such as "The united" but is ruined on purpose by "Damned" in the middle of the writitng. This shows that the artist likes to interfere with things that run smoothly.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

How i modified my main image to black and white

I first of all added the picture to the program, Photoshop. I then clicked on the picture (Right). I then went to the toolbar at the top and then went to "image" and then to "mode" and then clicked on "Grayscale". This turned the picture black and white. However, i also went to "adjustments" and then to "Brightness/Contrast". From there, I could make the picture even more contrasting in black and white.

The effect of having the image in black and white gives it a raw and carefree feel, which will appeal to the audience that i am aiming to. It is also a feature to many indie/rock magazines as they use black and white images alot

Summary of Research

From my research of the different types of music magazines, I have spotted the main features of what i need to include in my front cover, contents page and my double page spread.

Front Cover: 
For the front cover i have analysed the features needed which are:

  • Main image covering most of the page
  • Bold logo of Magazine in rich colour to make it stand out
  • Short introduction explaining the artist being featured
  • List of the other different features that are included in the magazine
Contents page: 
For the contents page i have analysed the features needed which are: 
  • Small preview of the magazines front cover at the top 
  • Editors view on the magazine and what is being featured
  • Side bar of information to tell the reader what is included and where
  • Different images of other artists in different articles of the magazine
  • Quote at the top of the page from main artist being featured
Double page spread:
For the double page spread i have analysed the features needed which are: 
  • Large image on one side of the page, with writing on the other side
  • Bold name of artist situated where reader can easily see it 
  • Quote which is from main body of text, situated near image of artist
  • Detailed introduction about artist, why we are interviewing her

Q magazine (Double page spread)

This is the double page spread from Q magazine. The font used is very messy and unkept which reflects the genre expressed in the magazine. There is a colour scheme of black and pink used frequently to highlight sub - headings and names, to make it stand out to the reader, where they will read it. The main image on the other side of the double page spread is emotive in the sense that the artist is expressing his emotions which is anger and passion. This will be very appealing to the audience because as it is appealing to the demograhic of anti - authority rebels and joiners, they can aspire to be like the artist featured and follow this lifestyle. The angle of the camera to the artist is a low - angle shot which makes the artist superior to the reader and authoritive. There is also a quote in the middle of the body of the text which is from the artist being featured. It gives the artists honest opinion on issues such as other people and it is usually something that has never been expressed by the artist before, which is exclusive to fans and readers.