Front Cover:
For the front cover i have analysed the features needed which are:
- Main image covering most of the page
- Bold logo of Magazine in rich colour to make it stand out
- Short introduction explaining the artist being featured
- List of the other different features that are included in the magazine
Contents page:
For the contents page i have analysed the features needed which are:
- Small preview of the magazines front cover at the top
- Editors view on the magazine and what is being featured
- Side bar of information to tell the reader what is included and where
- Different images of other artists in different articles of the magazine
- Quote at the top of the page from main artist being featured
Double page spread:
For the double page spread i have analysed the features needed which are:
- Large image on one side of the page, with writing on the other side
- Bold name of artist situated where reader can easily see it
- Quote which is from main body of text, situated near image of artist
- Detailed introduction about artist, why we are interviewing her
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