Thursday, 1 April 2010

History of British Indie Music

British Indie music had streamlined from independent record labels. Before, many indie artists relied on touring, word of mouth and lately the Internet to get popularity. A recent example would be the Artic Monkeys who rose to popularity by posting their music on the Internet. My music artist on my magazine does just this because the magazine has given her popularity and a reputation by distributing her to a niche audience.

The lifestyle, ideas and image that many indie bands follow are from some of the first indie bands that came into the mainstream industry and signed on a major record label. The Smiths are an example of this as they wore just jeans and plain shirts to reflect the "back to basics" style of music. This is popular with many indie artists today and i tried to reflect this with my own music artist in my music magazine.

In my product, my artist was made to wear plain and simple clothes to achieve the indie look that would appeal to the demography of anti - authority rebels and joiners. I also added other images of artists in the magazine to really emphasis continuously the image being used.

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